Football in the park consultation
Liverpool Football Club Foundation


‘Football in the park’ was a new initiative being trialled over the summer by Liverpool FC Foundation. The aim of the programme was to bring together parents and their children to play sport and do more physical activity together.  We were approached to help explore how the sessions were experienced by the key stakeholder groups and their views of the programme going forward.


We recommended gathering participants views at four pilot ‘football in the park’ sessions using a selection of interactive activities.

Taking into consideration the open space available, the suggestion was to make the activities accessible so participants could choose to participate at any point during the session.

We spent four days in the park interviewing both adults, children and young people to find out their experiences of the sessions. We interviewed people via video cox pops, a graffiti wall, and a session rating activity using ping-pong balls and Chateez!

A report was written and a multi-media video shared with LFC managers with recommendations of what to consider going forward.